Something a little different on the website today. The women of ReTweed have galvanised with the leadership of our student Erin Inglis and put together a range of ‘Welcome Bags’ for Refuweegee, a project set up to ensure that all refugees arriving in Glasgow are welcomed to the city in true Glaswegian style.
Refuweegee aims to provide all Refugees who arrive with a welcome pack. Each pack contains a range of essentials including toiletries, hat and gloves, something particularly Scottish and a personalised welcome letter and as a result each pack will be completely individual.
We have 9 Welcome Packs for refugee children down here at TEDDA which will be passed on to Selina Hales (Founder of Refuweegee and brought up here in Berwickshire).
It’s a lovely and heartening connection that a former student of Eyemouth High School, now living and working for the common good in Glasgow, has the support of the community where she grew up.
Here’s a nice wee feature on Selina on The Scotsman. To find out how you can get involved visit the ‘Welcome Pack appeal’ page – it’s running throughout December and January so don’t worry if you aren’t able to get it done before Christmas!
We’re all fae somewhere!
This blog post was written by Hazel Smith – ReTweed Founding Director