The delegation from Langholm Initiative visits ReTweed

Langhom initiative group photo

The delegation from Langholm Initiative with our Founder, Hazel Smith. Photo Credit: Kathleen Travers (Face PR)

Last week at ReTweed was proving extremly busy and eventful with 4 groups spending time with our project.

First up we had a lovely evening with the women of the Inner Wheel in Duns where we gave a talk about the work of the project and about the need for addressing isolation and promoting creative learning opportunities for women in our area.

Last Monday we hosted a Study Visit from Langholm Initiative (regeneration agency in Dumfries and Galloway) who were keen to find out about the work of ReTweed. Our Founder and Director Hazel Smith, took them through our whole journey and mapped out our Start-Up and progression over the last 18 months. It was a fantastic opportunity for us to reflect on just how far we’ve come over a very short period and to think about the priorities for our journey forward.

Langholm Initiative have some of the same geographical challenges as we face here in Berwickshire and like us, they share the same history and heritage around fashion and textiles. They are keen to develop enterprising solutions to enterprise through the medium of textiles and so we were all on the same page. It was a stimulating and interesting day of learning and professional development and we wish them nothing but the best in their endeavours and hope our work has provided some impetus and inspiration for them to go off and set their own innovation in motion.

We were also off to the Coldingham and Greenlaw SWI’s this week to share the story of our work and to meet like-minded folk who know the value of creative industry in promoting well-being, skills development, community connectedness and enterprise.

It was a fantastic and very busy week where we had the opportunity to share our story and journey with our wider communities, share the knowledge and learn a bit more about their groups in return.

This blog post was written by Hazel Smith – ReTweed Founding Director

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