
We offer places on our main 12-week training programmes to a broad cross-section of women. We also offer particular help and support to women who are finding the road forward in their lives and careers tricky. Most people want to have a good life, a rewarding career and a decent income. With the widening gap between wealth and poverty, that is difficult quest for those who are marginalised – whether that be on account of lack of affordable childcare, ill-health, disability, ethnicity or gender.

In addition to our main training programme, we run a range of creative textiles workshops throughout the year. These include, sewing machine basics, patchwork, applique, wool crafts, rag rugging, upholstery and other imaginative upcycling activities. Check our weekend workshops to book a place.

ReTweed Students and Volunteers all enjoy the opportunity of creative expression and industry, a positive and colourful working environment and working with likeminded others. The are contributing to an upward shift in the aspirations of their peers and their communities.