Textiles Donations
ReTweed would like to make a request to the good folk of Berwickshire and beyond – for donations of all types of textiles which will be creatively reinventing into artisan furnishings, fashions and crafts.
When making your donations, feel free to put a note in with those curtains, that old dress or your grandmother’s tablecloth as ReTweed want to use the history of donations in their branding, labelling and selling. So if Auntie Mary’s curtains arrive and they’re upcyled into some tote bags or tablecloths, we’ll make sure the original owner gets a mention in the manufacturing and retail chain – maybe some photos on social media!
Anything we can’t use will be donated to Berwickshire Action for Voluntary Services (BAVS) for sale in their charity shops or will be delivered to textile recycling services/centres. Profits from these charity shops are reinvested in community projects.
Would you like to donate textiles?
Drop us an email at admin@retweed.com or fill out the form…